PowerPoint Deck: Supervision Framework ASN...
How to navigate the lockdown with serenity as Supervisors By Samia Clouche, Americas Coaching Supervision Network, August 17, 2020...
COVID 19 had prompted professionals to offer their services virtually. In this session, Eve Turner and Damian Goldvarg will present the literature review they have done and their research on the advantages and disadvantages of working virtually from ...
Debrief Third Americas Coaching Supervision Conference, June 15, 2020 The Americas Coaching Supervision Network held our 3rd Annual Conference on May 7-9, 2020. Originally, the plans were to be in Mexico City and the hotel and catering were organize...
When a traumatic event excessively overflows a person’s ability to handle himself/herself in his/her usual way; we can say that psychological trauma is present. When a crisis is as pandemic as we are living today, the number of Psychiatrists...
Ready to take a deeper dive into exploring your internal landscape Looking for ways to amplify your work as a coach and supervisor Join Pam to gain a taste of the topic she will be covering in Mexico City — Use of Self as Coach and Supervisor....
In this session, Peter Hawkins and Eve Turner presented on Strategic Coaching. This was a webinar from the Americas Coaching Supervision Network , on February 24, 2020...
Webinar with Professor Peter Hawkins and Eve Turner is on Monday, February 24, between 8:00 am – 9:30 am Pacific time. Please join us on the following ZOOM link: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4201095660...
Dear Americas Coaching SuperVision Network members; Happy New Year to all 260 members of this group! This message has some important information that might be of interest to you. First, we’d like to let you know that the Early Bird […]...
Exploring the Context: Delving into Eye 7 in Super-Vision. This session is about exploring the context in Coaching Supervision, presented by Jonathan Sibley and Lynn Harrison at the Americas Coaching Supervision Network meeting....
In this session, Dr. Terry Hidebrandt presents on how to develop strategies to market coaching supervision services in the Americas. This Webinar on October 12, was the monthly session for the Americas Coaching Supervision Network....