Webinar with Professor Peter Hawkins and Eve Turner is on Monday, February 24, between 8:00 am – 9:30 am Pacific time.
Please join us on the following ZOOM link: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4201095660
Webinar with Professor Peter Hawkins and Eve Turner is on Monday, February 24, between 8:00 am – 9:30 am Pacific time.
Please join us on the following ZOOM link: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/4201095660
Dear Americas Coaching SuperVision Network members;
Happy New Year to all 260 members of this group! This message has some important information that might be of interest to you.
First, we’d like to let you know that the Early Bird rate for the 3rd Annual Coaching Supervision Network Conference is extended until February 15, 2020. This will allow those who have asked about an extension of the opportunity as well as anyone else interested! For more information, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coaching-supervision-in-the-americas-third-annual-supervision-conference-tickets-74758545823 – there’s also updated information on the website: https://americassupervisionnetwork.com/ and the latest agenda is here. The two post-conference events are on group supervision and marketing of supervision services (mastermind groups will be formed).
There are also some very affordable travel packages for Mexico City and the southern part of Mexico that is available to us thanks to Elena and Adriana, our Mexico sponsors. Please click here for more information: Option 1 or Option 2
Thank you to Jonathan Silsby and Lynn Harrison for the great conversation around Eye 7 and the wider system in coaching supervision at our last webinar. We could have easily kept going on this important topic! The recording and slides will be available soon, see below the recording.
Please note that our next webinar is 90 minutes long and is on February 24, expanding on the “systemic” theme, featuring Eve Turner and Professor Peter Hawkins. Peter is also one of our keynote speakers at the Mexico conference (along with Pam McLean of the Hudson Institute). Here is the information:
Description: What can we do, as supervisors, to move coaching beyond “delivering very expensive personal development for the already highly privileged” and deliver beneficial impact to all stakeholders including the ecology? This is a question posed at the start of Peter and Eve’s book, Systemic Coaching – delivering value beyond the individual which came out in December 2019. Join in the debate on our role as supervisors: what is it, what could it be, what should it be? We will use breakout rooms for smaller discussions.
About Eve:
Eve writes and researches alongside a busy practice as a coach and supervisor. She set up the Global Supervisors’ Network (GSN) in January 2016 and since then it has delivered 100 hours of CPD for fellow supervisors, free of charge thanks to members’ generosity. Eve regularly contributes to charitable projects such as EthicalCoach and is Chair of APECS (the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision). A Fellow at Henley Business School and the University of Southampton, she is one of three co-founders of the Climate Coaching Alliance www.climatecoachingalliance.org to bring free resources and conversation around the biggest issue facing our world. The CCA is running their first workshop on dealing with trauma for coaches and other professionals in southeast Australia in February and arranging a 24-hour global conversation on coaching and the climate crisis on 5th March “Climate Coaching Action Day”. Eve has won several awards for her work including the Coaching at Work 2018 Award for Contributions to Coaching Supervision, their 2019 & 2015 Awards for Best Article/Series and the EMCC’s 2018 Supervision and 2015 Coaching Awards.
About Peter:
Peter Hawkins is a Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School and founder and Chairman of Renewal Associates. He is a leading consultant, writer and researcher in leadership and leadership development and an international thought leader in executive teams, and systemic team coaching. He is the author of several best-selling books including Leadership Team Coaching in Practice (2nd ed, Kogan Page, published June 2018); Leadership Team Coaching (Kogan Page, 3rd ed, July 2017); and Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision, Skills, and Development (with Nick Smith, McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, 2nd ed, 2013.
We are happy to announce that we are now booking webinar speakers into March 2021. Next webinars:
March 30: Pam McLean from the Hudson Institute in Santa Barbara and author of “Self as Coach; Self as Leader”. Pam will be one of our keynote speakers at the annual conference as well
April 13: Adriana Rodriguez and Elena Espinal (of Mexico City)
May – no webinar as our conference will be held May 7/8 in Mexico City (see above for the Eventbrite link)
June 15: Debriefing the learnings from Mexico City 3rd Annual Americas Coaching Supervision Conference
July 20: Group Supervision: Lily and Damian
August – no webinar (vacation month)
September 14 – Tom Battyre from EMCC discussion the EMCC competency model for coaching supervisors
October 19 – under discussion
November 23 – under discussion
December 14 – under discussion
Anyone interested in joining the Marketing of Supervision Services group, please contact Terry Hildebrandt at terry@terryhildebrandt.com
And finally, the next Asian Pacific Network meets the last Tuesday of the month at 8.00 PM PST (Wednesday morning in Asia). Please contact Damian directly if you are interested in attending or presenting.
We look forward to another robust year of learning and connecting in community in service to our profession and our clients and the wider system!
Lily and Damian
This webinar wants to offer a forum for dialogue on ethics in coaching supervision. A key theme here is ethical dilemmas, your own role in them and your experiences with them.
But if you don’t mind, I will start by sharing some of my ideas and thoughts about ethics with you, briefly.
Our webinar is a dialogue (thinking together in a relationship) where we share ideas and experiences around ethics and dilemmas. In the zoom room, those present will be divided into smaller break-out groups. I will put out a question, the small groups of three will look into that question (or questions) for ca. 10 – 15 minutes each feeding back to the main group after being retrieved and brought back.
Short Bio
Kees de Vries is a CSA accredited coach supervisor and a PCC certified coach. He is also a Registered Psychologist NIP/W&O (Dutch Institute of Psychologists/Work & Organization Psychology). For 8 years he was active in ethics for ICF Global in the Independent Review Board, 3 years as chair. His most recent work and summary of his views on ethics can be found in “Coaching Supervision: Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes “ chapter 9: Moving from Frozen Code to live vibrant relationship: Towards a philosophy of ethical coaching supervision” (Edited by Jo Birch and Peter Welch, 2019: Routledge: London)