Address: Paris, France
Phone: +1 33 611 564 470
Languages: English, French.
Martine Bizouard, MCC, is the founder of Terra Incognita Coaching, a consulting boutique that tailors and performs since 2005 Executive Coaching for C-Suite and key leaders, team coaching for leading teams, organizational coaching, group coaching and leadership development programs.
She has 15 years of experience in the field of development, 16 years of experience in the banking industry, 7+ years of experience as adjunct professor in college and 3+ years of experience as CEO of a NGO.
Thanks to her diverse experience and thourough education, she is able to rapidly seize her client’s environment and stakes and create a fruitful relationship that supports her client development. As an experienced supervisor, she offers her client restorative moments and time to think over their practice and issues and enhance the quality and soundness of their interventions. As an executive coach she helps systems improve and transform to achieve their purpose effectively.
Services Offered
Individual and group Coaching Supervision, Executive Coaching, Group Coaching, virtual facilitation. Services are offered online primarily. In presence is offered depending schedule.
Current Credentials
Master Certified Coaching (ICF)
Certified Supervisor from Goldvarg Consulting Group.
Advanced Certifications in TA-psychotherapy from EAT.
Certified practitioner in OW (Oshry) MBTI,Team managment System, ProcessCom Coaching, clean coaching (LKB) systemic coaching (FK)
Certified Coach and Team with Transformance.
400+ hours of core competencies education in coaching and coaching supervision
Advanced degree in Psychotherapy, Ecole d’analyse transactionelle, Paris, France
MBA ESSEC, Grande Ecole with major in Finance, Cergy, France
Engineering degree major in Mechanics and certifying eork in IT by Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France.